Here you can find some of my writing. Be aware: some of the writing posted here can contain graphic violence and other dark themes. Works in the original fiction and campaign fic/fanfiction category have global content tags, and blog posts contain a general summary. Poetry is not tagged. Reader discretion is advised. Scroll down to see the tags that may apply.
Original fiction
Short stories and other original creative writing.
Campaign fic/fanfiction
Stories about other media or about my ttrpg campaigns (right now it's mostly Curse of Strahd).
Blog posts
My thoughts and opinions about various topics, may vary from incoherent rants to semi-thought out pieces
A chronological selection of my poetry.
The following tags may apply:
☑ No warnings apply
⚔ Graphic violence
🗡Graphic injury
Suicide and/or suicidality
Harm to children
Harm to animals
⚧ Body issues and/or gender dysphoria
⚠ Other specified warning, check story header
🛇 Unspecified, read at own discretion